Thursday 7 March 2013

Your 20's... heck yes!!

Recently I read an article on why you should take advantage of being in your 20's. It was a particularly good time for me to read it as I am a couple of years off 30 and if one more of my friends gets engaged, married or pregnant I am moving to a faraway island that doesn't get facebook... or internet reception for that matter.

I have always said 'My 20's are for fun and I'll settle down in my 30's" and up until recently when everyone has been settling down and shacking up I was quite comfortable with this idea.

So when I read Sari Moon's article on the "21 Ways You Should Take Advantage Of Your 20's" it really got me thinking. If I had of settled down early, I wouldn't have done half the fun/scary/exciting things I have done so far.

For example, I have experienced what it is like to travel overseas by yourself (so liberating!), I've met the most fabulous and lifelong friends, had the most memorable girls nights out, I've lived in Bondi, North Sydney, Manly and back to Bondi again, been through the most heartbreaking relationships, and most exciting first kisses, worked in a career that has far extended the 9-5 working criteria and loved it... all things that I wouldn't take back for anything.

So here are a few of my favourite pieces of advice from Sari's article that remind me why the 20's are so (effing) awesome..

- Stay up late. In your 20's you're all "Let's go to another bar!" "Who wants to stay up and watch the sunrise" In this moment we are infinite! When you get older, this becomes "What are you doing? Go home. Watch Parks and Recreation and go to sleep. What is wrong with staying up all night? Who has time for that? If you're in your 20's, you do! You have all the time. Do it now and take advantage of how not tired you are. You think you're crabby now when you stay up to late? You'll never believe how terrible you feel when you do it in your 30's.

- Savour those hangovers. They are a gift from God so that you will always remember what your tolereance level is.. Your hangover recovery time is flippin' Wolverine in your 20's. You wake up, feel like death, pull on some shades, gulp down a coffee or maybe a Bloody Mary and whine about your headache over brunch. Oh, boo hoo. when you're older every hangover is Apocalypse Freaking Now. You're not making it to brunch. You're not making it off your floor in a weeping puddle of regret.

- Indulge in fast food at 4am. This is considered depressing behavior once you become a real adult.


- Do "unacceptable" things to your hair. Dye it. Dread it. Shave only the left side of your head and give a crap if it grows back in a flattering manner (hint: it won't). There's no time but now!

- Take road trips. Sitting in a car for days on end isn't something your body was designed to do forever.


  1. OMG. Hilariously true! As someone that's just nudging 40, your post made me laugh! Yes, every 20-something year old should go out all night 3 or 4 nights in a row, travel by yourself, spend your last $100 on a beautiful but totally impractical pair of shoes (that you will probably only wear once), and every now and then, do something really, really stupid (for that, you won't have to try, happens to everyone). Let me tell you, when you hit 30 and beyond, hangovers last a week, bills keep piling in, and taking more than three weeks holiday at any one time gets harder and harder. That's unless you refuse to grow up…

  2. Haha I like to think of it as "Peter Pan Syndrome" Travelletto!
