Monday 18 March 2013

Goal's for the rest of March

1. Cut back on sugar.

This will be the toughest break-up I have ever had to go through, however those 3pm sugar cravings are getting out of control! From now on sugar will be saved for my cocktails and nothing else! (sob!)

Too-ta-loo Cadbury's my dear friend. Bon voyage Caramelo Koala! Oh Tim tam's we'll always have the memories! xoxo

2. Learn how to cook.

Having recently looked over my budget, it turns out I spend A LOT of money on eating out. It's time to dust off the ol' sauce pan, stove, and whatever other utensils you need to cook (?!) and start making cheerful and inventive dinners. Bring it Curtis, Jamie, Marco and Manu!

3. Embrace some form of excercise.

Exercise and I have never been friends. I have been known to suffer from a stitch simply from walking up a set of stairs. I would LOVE to enjoy exercise, honestly I would, however it's the whole 'breaking out in a sweat' that bothers me. So my aim for this month is to find something that is remotely joyful. Suggestions will be welcomed! Facebook check-in's at the gym will not!


3. Go to bed early and rise and shine before day break!

Ok this one may be a little tricky. I have always embraced my inner night owl. I love staying awake until the early morning hours and could easily sleep in till midday, but no more! I WILL be one of those crazies who goes to bed at 9pm and  gets up at 5am, walks to my favorite cafe for coffee every morning and gets in a full workout before work (ok that may be  a little too far!). I am DONE with the days of running out of the house half dressed of a morning, doing my makeup at the traffic light breaks, growling at people before my first coffee and eating brekkie at work. Hellloooo bright and chirpy me!

4. I will stop telling people I am running 15 minutes late, when I am really running 30 - 60 minutes late.

I would like to say that I will endeavor to always be on time but this would be a lie. So instead I will simply stop saying I'm "Just around the corner" when I am really still sitting on the couch watching old re-runs of "Sex and the City". 

I think I just found my new exercise!

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