Wednesday 20 March 2013

The Dilemma's of a Modern Day Single!

The girls at work are currently reading a book called "The Rules". I'm not going to lie and say I haven't perused through its pages myself but it is really becoming a phenomenon amongst the lady folk.

For those of you who have not heard of "The Rules" it is a women's self-help book designed to help you capture the heart of "Mr Right".

It is like taking a step back in time to your grandmothers era where a lady was to be courted by a gentlemen and was refined in the art of playing hard-to-get.

To give you an idea, here are a few of the more interesting "Rules"..

* Never text, email or facebook a man first.

* Be the first one to end a conversation

While I am a firm believer that men and women some times need to take it back to the cave man days, where a man chases you until you finally relent and allow him to club you over the head and drag you back to his man-cave (is it just me or is there something so romantical about the whole notion?!) I am sad to say that we are no longer in the "good ol' days".

What is wrong with a women deciding what she wants and going for it? We do it in the work-force so why.. I ponder dear readers.. do we have to sit back and hope that a guy notices us. It may be difficult for them to notice us when according to "The Rules" a women "must never make eye contact with a man."

Some of my most favorite conversations have started from a little eye contact. There's nothing quite as fun as the thrill of locking eyes with a sexy dude and getting your flirt on. I'm not saying stare at him until he looks over at the 'crazy lady' who forgot to blink, I'm saying what's so bad with a little eye catching fun?

We women don't have the time nor energy to be waiting for a man to swing on by and take their fancy with us. We work hard, many of us in a highly women dominated environment and so when it is time to find ourselves a man and shack up (or retreat to our cave, as it were) we don't want to be just waiting around for the next bloke to take his pick!

Heck no! It is time for we women to decide what we want and go for it. There is nothing wrong with picking a boy you like and approaching him (or in my case getting a friend to do it... come on I'm gutsy but not THAT gutsy!).

I for one, think there is nothing wrong with being the first to make a move, and if he is not interested, simply retreat and bitch about him with your friends over another drink. In the words of a wise friend "Rejection can sometimes be protection"!! You never know, he COULD have been a serial killer!

Here are some of the Rules I DO agree with:

* Never answer a call after midnight.

Oh ladies, this IS a booty call. If that's all you are after as well than I say go for it sista!

* If he does not call he is not interested.

Well DUH!

At the end of the day, dating is supposed to be fun. If we're too busy sticking to the rules where is the fun in that?? We all have a little 'game play' in us and we all have that gut instinct where if it doesn't feel right, it probably isn't.

I say down with "The Rules" and heck yes to the fun, flirty good times!!

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