Monday 25 March 2013

A letter to myself..

I have been pondering of late all the crazy things I have worried about in the last 28 years that really weren't neccessary. So I have decided to send a letter back in time, ten years ago to be specific, to myself just in case 'Back to the Future' one day becomes a reality and I can totes be prepared!!

Dear Jana,

What's up lady pants??

I'm loving the super blonde hairstyle you've got going on at the moment. Maybe pull back a little bit on the bleach though. I know that picture you showed the hairdresser of Reece Witherspoon in 'Sweet Home Alabama' was the look you were going for, but "white blonde" is not for you. Think about putting a few highlights in.

So I'm guessing by now you've been through the melodrama that was heartbreak for the first time. Sheesh wasn't that a ball of fun! Hey, four years straight in one relationship is a big deal, and good on you for sticking with it for so long!

I know you were worried that your first boyfriend was "the one" and that you were going to end up married with kids, having only slept with one boy in your whole life! Don't worry chic, next year you are going to Uni, and living in a dorm, you will soon see what single life is all about.

I know you think that it's time to give that "Journalism" career a rest, but trust me, stick with it. You are going to waste a whole year at Uni studying teaching, only to go on your first practical experience at a primary school only to discover that teaching + kid's = disaster. Not for you. Back to Journalism you go.

The plus side is that you had a BLAST that first year at Uni and still wish sometimes that you could go back to those good ol' days.

About 6 months from now you are going to find the second boy to break your heart. Oh you thought the first time was bad?? Get ready lady! This one has a fiery temper but a heart of gold. This is when you discover your soft spot for "Bad Boys". Over the next four years you are going to break up, get back together again, break up, get back together again.

You are going to drive each other absolutely bonkers, laugh like maniacs, cheat on each other, move in together, make each other cry and make each other deliriously happy. You are in for a roller coaster, but at the end of the day you will sit back with good (but crazy) memories.

During this time you will have finished Uni, scored a dream job working for your favorite TV show and worked VERY long hours for very little pay. However in the end it will get you settled in a career that you love and you will have been lucky enough to travel to some pretty amazing places around this crazy world.

Once you have broken up with lover boy # 2 you are really going to discover yourself. Yes that's right, you are going to be all on your own! You know what... you really thrive, even if you spend a lot of the time wondering around feeling lost.

You are going to make a very quick decision to move yourself out of the Hawkesbury and over to a gorgeous beach side suburb called Bondi. Yes your room is going to be tiny, yes you are going to spend most of your wage on rent, and I'm not going to lie you are going to find yourself with a lovely big pile of debt from a credit card you really should never have applied for, but hey, you had the time of your life!

You will take that trip to New York all by yourself that really amps up your love for travel and get this... you will have a brief stint working for 'The Footy Show' even though you had never watched a game in your whole life! Don't laugh just yet, you will actually love it.

A word of advice though, STAY AWAY FROM FOOTBALLERS! You may fall quite hard for one in particular and yes he is absolutely lovely but in the near future it will end up with a big ol' story in the Sydney newspapers that will make you cringe! Actually while I'm at it STAY AWAY FROM FARMERS!! Especially ones who have appeared on a reality TV program.

That brings me to boyfriend # 3. This will prove to be a whirlwind romance that will take you by surprise. The "L" word will be said quite quickly and you will both confess to be each others "the one". You aren't. You will drive each other crazy and there will be some doozy arguments, a popped tyre, weekends stuck on a farm and an interesting weekend at The Snowy Mountains. I won't give too much away about this one because in hindsight there was never a dull moment and you had a lot of fun. However the heartbreak over this break up is going to sting and be VERY public so keep those tissues nearby.

You are going to meet some of the very best friends who will stay for life during this time. Keep an eye out for a crazy red-head who will keep you laughing from the get-go with her crazy antics and a brunette-turned-blonde who can dance like know ones business!

Your cousins who you grew up with will turn into the sisters you always wanted and you will be blessed with the most adorable neices and nephews to grace the earth.

Your brothers, you know those pests who you would fight with non-stop during those happy pubescent years, well they are going to turn out to be awesome! You're going to not only get along, but actually really enjoy each others company. Actually, family life in general is going to be pretty darn awesome from here on in. There is a lot of laughs ahead!

So here you are ten years later, single once again, living by the beach, pondering what is next on the agenda... a brief working holiday overseas perhaps, or a move across from lifestyle TV to reality TV, or even a go at turning this blog into a proper profession. Who knows??

You're in for an awesome ten years so make the most of it! Oh and take more photos. Oh and clean your room!! You will be amazed with what you will find under that wardrobe that is your floor!

Big love!

Jana xo

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