Sunday 10 March 2013

Sisters from different misters!

I have a confession to make... I watched four episodes of 'The Hills Today'. Yes it's shameful but true!

I have been shacking up at the parentals for a weekend of R&R and I just happened to flick on the foxtel to a 'Hills' marathon and I just happened to sit through two hours straight of solid gold viewing.

What is perhaps more shameful is that it actually got me thinking... yes that's right THINKING.

Let me tell you what it got me thinking about dear readers... it got me thinking about friendships and how they can turn to poo when a new boy comes into the scenario.

Let me refer, if you will, to a current episode that I was watching where Heidi and her bestie Lauren get into a big fight because Lauren thinks Heidi's new boyfriend Spencer is a douche (he really was!) the end result was that they never got over the fight and that was the end of their friendship all because of a DUDE.

Sadly this also happens in real life, not just badly "scripted" reality TV shows.

Luckily for me, my bestie goes out with a top guy who I see more as a 'brother from a another mother' than just bestie's BF, but this hasn't always been the case, oh no.

There have been friends who have disappeared into there own loved up world, only to reappear when that relationship has run its course, and yes, I will admit I have been a sucker for dumping friends in favour of hanging out with my new man-of-the-moment.. but I've come to the realisation that it just ain't cool!

Nothing sucks more than coming out of a relationship and wondering where all your friends went. You know, the ones you blew off time and time again to hang out with the boyffff. It truly sucks to find out they have moved on.

If there's one little piece of advice I can share with you it would be this:


I can rant on about "sista's before mista's" and all that business, but the reality is that your bestie is one day going to get married and have children, and so are you. It's going to be hard to find the time to spend with each other, but make sure you do! Even a simple coffee catch up once a week can keep a friendship going.

It's good for you, it's good for your friends, and let's face it, it's probably good for the boyfriend as well. You don't want to be "that couple" that doesn't ever leave each others side. Boo to the boring couple! Down with clingy attached peeps!! I think you get the point.

Spending time with your closest friends gives you a chance to vent, laugh and catch up on each others lives. It's good for the soul and should things turn to muck your bestie will be there right beside you offering tissues and shots of tequila. Or should it turn to gold, you know she will be standing there beside you on your wedding day ready to catch the bouquet.

Huzzah to sisterhood!!

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