Monday 4 March 2013

Where have all the men in Sydney gone?? I know.. The Forresters!

There is nothing that makes me happier on a Monday night than watching two grown men devour an entire feast, whilst having a full conversation and barely chewing their food, only pausing to stop and tell you how ahh-mazing 'said food' actually is.

Should you wish to see a similar experience I highly suggest you make your way to The Forresters in Surry Hills.

Once a dingy old pub, it has since been renovated to a standard acceptable by the folk of Surry Hills, yet still manages to keep the old-school charm of a local drinking establishment.

This was a bar made for MEN! The meals are huge and mostly consist of meat and chips covered in deliciously salty cheese. It just screams heartburn and my favorite male fellows just love it!

While the bestie and I settled for a monday tradition of $5 steaks with mashed potato and gravy... yes, that's right I said $5! A bargain and surprisingly tasty! The men folk shared the below meal..

"What is it?" I hear you say.. "That looks like a delicious heart-attack served on a plate" I hear you query. Well that's because it is, in all it's tasty glory!

What man doesn't enjoy a tasty pig cooked in a pit and marinated in a sugary, smokey glaze. Served with crunchy bread rolls, a touch of coleslaw for that guilt-free reckoning and a healthy lashing of bbq sauce so neatly plonked in the middle.

It felt a bit like we were in the wild west and the conversation ranged from scary movies, John's upcoming wedding to the lovely Emily and a debate on whether 'Falcor' was a misunderstood character in 'Never Ending Story'. Such is the depth of our conversation.

A top night had by all and this pub comes with a top recommendation from me!

As a side note, I should also mention that they do the most amazing cocktails and pizza's aaaand the bartender with the the model-good-looks will one day be my future-husband! Huzzah!

Look at those happy faces!

The Forresters
Cnr of Foveaux and Riley Street
Surry Hills

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