Thursday 28 February 2013

Why breakups are awesome!

I'm not going to lie, breakups can really suck! However there is always an upside to every dilemma so I decided to explore the best things about a break-up!

1. You don't have to share your food. There is nothing more annoying than going out to dinner, ordering possibly the best dish of your life and then having the bf eat of your plate.

2. You can spread out in bed. You want to sleep on a diagonal? You go for it sista! You want all the pillows to yourself? They're all yours!

3. Spotted a hottie during a girls night out. You won't get in trouble for flirting up a storm!

4. Lost your appetite due to hearbreak? Hurrah! There goes those few kg's you wanted to lose!

5. All your friends will be really nice to you and may even give you chocolate!

6. You can watch whatever you like on TV.

7. You can sleep in for as long as you like and you have an excuse to stay in bed all day cause your "miserable".

8. You get to have those 'first time kisses' all over again with someone else!

9.  You no longer have to juggle a perfect balance of nights out with the girls, and time spent with the boy.

10. No more answering to anyone!

I have used this quote before but it is still my fav!

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