Thursday 31 January 2013

Knowledge is power people!!

Working on a lifestyle show I get to put together some random but fun shoots. One week I may be putting together a travel shoot in Uluru and the next I'm working on a health shoot revolving around teaching peep's how to lose weight.

It's fairly safe to say that my job is far from dull! So I always look forward to our pre-shoot meetings with the Presenter and Producer to discuss ideas, and ways to make shoots quirky and interesting for our viewers.

Today I had the joy of a 2-hour meeting with our health expert Dr Andrew Rochford, and although I will admit he is completely swoon worthy, he is actually pretty darn interesting as well. What a package ladies!!

The one thing I always take from my meetings with Andrew is the random facts he will just pop into conversation that have actually changed my life!

So fellow readers, I have taken it upon myself to share some with you! Take a look-see..

1. It takes the stomach 30 minutes from the start of eating to tell your brain that you are full. So if you are looking to cut down on eating large meals, eat a handful of nuts half-an-hour before meal time and you will feel fuller quicker. It's like tricking your brain!

2. Stop eating your meals in front of the television ! It has been scientifically proven that we eat 70% more food in front of the telly than we would sitting at a table. This is because our brains stop thinking about how much we are consuming as you are focused more on the TV program you are watching.

3. If you eat from a BLUE plate you will eat less. Researchers say that blue has the least appealing blend with food and therefore you are less inclined to eat from it.

4. If you drank 1 Litre of juice every day for 1 year you will put on an extra 18kgs!! Put down that glass of juice and swap it for a big ol' glass of water!

5. The smaller the plate, the smaller your meal. When serving yourself dinner, we tend to fill the plate. So if your plates are large you will give yourself a larger meal and therefore consume more calories than you would with a small plate. Down with large plates!!

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